IMDEA Software Institute News

Her interest in using machine learning for building better software systems came after an internship at AMD Research
As part of its commitment to bring the best research talent to Madrid, the IMDEA Software Institute developed its first action plan in 2021.
Pepe Vila and Joaquín Arias, two former PhD students of the IMDEA Sofwtare Institute, have won the 2019-2020 Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award granted by the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
The DG for Research and Technological Innovation and the Director of the Institute opened the event held on the occasion of the Science and Innovation Week.
Up to 90 people attended virtually to the XVI edition of the REDIMadrid Conference
The special event will be chaired by Harald Gall, University of Zurich, and Manuel Carro, ETSIINF (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute.
Manuel Carro, Isabel Garcia-Contreras, Manuel Hermenegildo, Bishoksan Kafle, Pedro Lopez-Garcia, Jose F. Morales, Victor Perez-Carrasco and Miguel A. Sanchez-Ordaz participated by presenting papers, being panelists, PC members, or Session Chairs.
Manuel Carro, Juan Francisco García, Daniel Jurjo, Fernando Macías, Jose F. Morales y Alessandra Gorla participate
IMDEA Networks and IMDEA Software presented their latest research advances to the delegation from the Regional Government of the Community of Madrid
Musard Balliu and Marco Guarnieri are the recipients of a Facebook Research award
Isabel completes her doctoral studies in Artificial Intelligence at UPM, advised by the distinguished professor Manuel Hermenegildo
Both researchers managed to earned the support of the audience by telling briefly and in a non-technical way what their thesis is about.
Researchers from the IMDEA Software Institute, TU Wien and Purdue University have developed a protocol that makes more secure and faster transactions in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin
"Assumption Monitoring Using Runtime Verification for UAV Temporal Task Plan Executions"
The paper develops a framework for defining hardware-software contracts that capture hardware side-channel security guarantees in a simple, mechanism-independent manner
The PICOCRYPT project, led by the IMDEA Software Institute, will guarantee integrity, privacy and effectiveness of computation on data stored in the cloud
The conference, that will take place from the 23rd to 27th of May, has recently published the list of accepted papers
The goal of static cost analysis is to automatically estimate the resources used by program executions without running the programs with concrete data, as functions of input data sizes and possibly other (environmental) parameters
ALP Executive Board members are elected by a popular vote within the community among candidates proposed for their contributions and recognition within logic programming
Fruitful discussions regarding strategies for talent attraction and retention were manteined
It is the first time the Haskell Foundation decides to create a Board of Directors
Manuel Hermenegildo, has been appointed for a second three-year term as Chairman of the Scientific Board of INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation
"Multi-Key Homomorphic Authenticators" is the long version of a paper they first published in 2016
Parental control applications often misbehave posing privacy threats for children and even parents
"A Systematic Empirical Analysis of Unwanted Software Abuse, Prevalence, Distribution, and Economics" is the thesis title