September 21, 2021

Six researchers from IMDEA Software attend the CEDI 2021 Congress

Several IMDEA Software Institute researchers are attending this week -from the 21st to the 24th- the Spanish Computer Science Congress (CEDI) held in Malaga. In this edition the Institute is sponsoring the event together with other companies such as: Avanade, CGI, Danysoft, Google, Homeria, and PwC among others.

On Wednesday, September 22nd, from 12:00-13:30, the first conference in which a member of the Institute participates will take place. It is the presentation of a paper: “Evaluation of the Implementation of an Abstract Interpretation Algorithm using Tabled CLP”. Authors: Joaquín Arias (former PhD student of the Institute and Assistant Professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) and Manuel Carro (director of the IMDEA Software Institute). On this occasion, Arias will be in charge of the presentation.

On Thursday 23rd, the Institute will participate on two occasions. First, with the presentation of a paper: “An application of KLEE to aerospace industrial software” from 10:00 to 10:30. Authors: Juan Francisco García, Daniel Jurjo, Fernando Macías, José Francisco Morales and Alessandra Gorla. In this case Jurjo will be the one to present the details of the paper. And, secondly, Manuel Carro, Director the IMDEA Software Institute, will be the Chair of the session “Fuzzy logic programming / Verification” starting at 12:00 and finishing at 13:30.

In addition, Juan José Moreno will participate in the assemblies and standing committee meetings of the SCIE and SISTEDES societies as founding member.

The event, hosted by the Superior Technical School of Computer Science Engineering of the University of Malaga, aims to serve as a meeting place for professionals preferably dedicated to research, development, innovation and university teaching, within the field of computer engineering.

CEDI, is structured as a multi-congress formed by a set of events, most of which correspond to Congresses, Conferences or Meetings that are being developed periodically. It practically covers all the fields in which computer science is currently involved, and within each one of them, the most innovative aspects and those with the greatest future projection are presented through communications, always from an eminently university and scientific perspective.

More information at:
