October 19, 2021

Informatics Europe organises the Workshop for Leaders of Informatics Research and Education in October

Manuel Carro, director of the IMDEA Software Institute and Professor of the ETSIINF (UPM) is going to be chair together with Harald Gall, from the University of Zurich, of the “Workshop for Leaders of Informatics Research and Education” organised by Informatics Europe, that will take place the 25th of October.

The workshop will be held as part of the ECSS 2021 program and is opened to all participants. Deans and directors of Informatics universities, departments and research labs address specific challenges they encounter in their role.

The theme of the 2021 Leaders’ Workshop is:

“Open Science and its Impact on Research and Career Development”

The growing relevance of Open Science and its many ramifications (open publication schemes, appearance of open research data, open source, reproducibility, public value, …) poses a challenge, and may be a turning point, to current academic and research practices. Open Science proposals driven by researchers and academics are gathering considerable traction. At the same time, institutions at all levels (from single organizations to supra-national entities) are launching and actively supporting very ambitious plans to implement the very broad idea of Open Science, sometimes focusing on specific pillars.

The workshop is planned as a mix of talks, discussions, knowledge sharing, exchange in smaller groups, and a consolidation and presentation of the results to all participants, with ample time for interaction, discussion, and Q & A.

More information at Informatics Europe: https://www.informatics-europe.org/ecss/program/leaders-workshop.html
