December 1, 2021

Euraxess grants the IMDEA Software Institute with the "HR Excellence in research" award

The IMDEA Software Institute has been recognized with the ‘HR Excellence in research’ award, given by Euraxess. The European Commission recognizes with the “HR Excellence in Research Award” the institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, based on a customized action plan/HR strategy.

In 2020, as part of its commitment to bring the best researching talent to Madrid, the IMDEA Software Institute signed the declaration of participation in the “HR Strategy for Researchers”. In 2021, after carrying out self-evaluations to identify gaps, the IMDEA Software Institute elaborated its first action plan.

Euraxess outcomed that the award reflects the commitment to continuously improve their human resource policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, and the commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures.
