IMDEA Software Institute News

The OPENQKD project culminates after three years of duration and a budget of 15 million euros financed by the European p...
The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has led the organization of the event.
Researchers Gibran Gómez, Pedro Moreno-Sánchez and Juan Caballero develop "Watch Your Back".
Isabel García-Contreras's thesis has been awarded a UPM 2020/2021 best PhD thesis award
Given by The Conversation, the course was divided into five modules that were taught by experts in each subject area.
XXII Madrid Science and Innovation Week, organized by Madrimasd
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
IMDEA Software Researchers Manuel Hermenegildo, John Gallagher, and José Francisco Morales participated in the Prolog Day Symposium
An event that aims to become the largest European meeting point for Innovation and Technology Transfer.
This is the first face-to-face edition after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Blockchains are maintained by a network of participants, miner nodes, that run algorithms designed to maintain collectiv...
The main theme of this edition was "The 5 EU missions seen by IMDEA researchers".
The thesis, directed by the Professor Dario Fiore, was presented in September at the ETSIINF of the UPM.
Pierre Ganty, Associate Research Professor at IMDEA Software, and Dario Della Monica, Assistant Professor at the University of Udine have co-chaired the event.
Researchers from IMDEA Software and IMDEA Networks develop an application capable of substantially increasing the number of transactions per minute in blockchains.
An initiative of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA).
The talk was given in the framework of the XXI Programming and Languages Conference
MFOC implements advanced technological products and introduces disruptive changes in the design and verification of complex space systems.
Thaleia-Dimitra Doudali selected with a Juan de la Cierva-training grant and Marco Guarnieri with a Ramón y Cajal grant.
An international team including researchers from IMDEA Software and IMDEA Networks participates in a study that highlights the need to strengthen user privacy.
The IMDEA Software Institute holds for the first time an event aimed at predoctoral researchers to present their work through posters.
More than 14,500 people attended the world's leading event about digital transformation, held in Malaga
The thematic areas of the four innovation spaces will be: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Blockchain and Internet of Things.
One of the main challenges faced by cloud databases is to maintain data consistency in the presence of a massive number of modifications.
The Assistant Research Professor, Thaleia Doudali, offered to the interns and PhD Students lots of tips and tricks to develop their presentation skills
Regardless of the change, users do want to know what are the differences with respect to the release that have been using so far
The defense has been this morning at the UPM's School of Computer Engineering (ETSIINF) at the Montegancedo Campus.
4th edition of the "I have a project" award of the Institute of Physical and Information Technologies "Leonardo Torres Quevedo"
Digital signatures are widely deployed to authenticate the source of incoming information, or to certify data integrity
Quantum computing and quantum communications have the potential to become a game changer in computer networks. For this ...
Researchers from the IMDEA Software Institute, TU Wien, Carnegie Mellon University and Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy have presented the first bi-directional Payment Channel compatible with Bitcoin protocol without watchtowers
Official presentation of the MadQuantum-CM project with the participation of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Madrid Regional Government.
Four activities were presented as similes of cryptography, blockchain and algorithms used in software research.
Research is oriented to the needs of Industry and Society.
Currently the refinement types do not provide any mathematical proof that verifies the absence of private information leakage
Female researchers from IMDEA Software and Computer Science (UPM) talked about their experience during their careers.
REDIMadrid interconnects 16 independent universities and research centers in the city of Madrid, serving over 290,000 users.
The goal of "Certified Refinement Types" (CRETE) is to design a sound and practical refinement type system.