July 1, 2022

The first My I[M]DEA Show Your Work Day culminates with three winning posters from a total of 15 participants

The IMDEA Software pre-doctoral researchers Andoni Rodríguez, Aristotelis Sibetheros, Arpit Gogia, Claudia Bartoli, Daniel Domínguez, David Balbás, Diego Castejón, Elizaveta Vasilenko, Emanuele Giunta, Gibran Gómez, Javier Galindos, Karthik Ramakrishnan, Miguel Morona, Nicolas Manini and Zilong Wang have participated in the first “My I[M]DEA Show Your Work Day”, presenting posters.


The event started at 11:00, with lightning talks in which the 15 participants had up to one minute to capture the attention of the attendees and invite them to stop by their poster to explain in detail their work.


From 12:00 to 13:15 the participants were able to attend all those who were interested in their posters and tell them about their object of study. In addition, they also had the option of listening to other participants.


After the presentations, the Institute offered a lunch to all the attendees of the event and during the lunch, the judges voted (with a weight of 70%) and evaluated the popular vote (with a weight of 30%) to issue a verdict.


Nicolas Manini won first prize for his poster “Online Simulation Reduction” based on a paper also authored by Pierre Ganty and Francesco Ranzato. Javier Galindos won the second prize with the poster entitled “Toward Generalizable Cloud Resource Forecasting Using an Image-based Machine Learning Pipeline”, supervised by Thaleia Doudali. And finally, Aristotelis Sympetheros with the poster “Learning Memory Access Patterns using Machine Learning and Computer Vision”, also supervised by Thaleia Doudali.


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