July 13, 2022

Two IMDEA Software researchers win a Juan de la Cierva-training and a Ramón y Cajal grant

The State Research Agency has recently published the proposed provisional resolution of selected and reserve applications for the 2021 call for Juan de la Cierva-training grants and Ramón y Cajal contract grants.

The Assistant professor at the IMDEA Software Institute, Thaleia-Dimitra Doudali, has been selected for a Juan de la Cierva-training grant, for a total value of 64,800 euros funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency and the European Union through NextGenerationEU. The purpose of these grants is to promote the hiring by Spanish research organizations or R&D centers of young PhD graduates for a period of two years to complete their postdoctoral research training in Spanish R&D centers other than those where they completed their predoctoral training.

The Assistant professor of the IMDEA Software Institute, Marco Guarnieri, has been awarded a Ramón y Cajal grant, for a maximum value of 236,350 euros for 5 years, financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency and the European Union through NextGenerationEU. The purpose of these grants is to promote the incorporation of Spanish or foreign research personnel, with an outstanding career, in Spanish R&D centers so that they acquire the competencies and capabilities that will allow them to obtain a stable position in a research organization of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System.

**RYC-2021-032614-I and FJC2021-047102-I funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.
