October 20, 2022

More than 70 people attended the XVII Jornadas REDIMadrid last October 18

Every year, the Madrid high-speed network for universities and research, REDIMadrid, holds a conference to share ideas and experiences with affiliated entities and network equipment suppliers. On this occasion, the XVII Jornadas REDIMadrid took place on October 18th at the IMDEA Software building, being the first face-to-face conference after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Director of IMDEA Software Institute, Manuel Carro, was in charge of opening the event. He referred to the importance of network reliability for the development of the services provided by REDIMadrid and of research to ensure that networks continue to improve.

After the opening, the Director of the network and Associate Research Professor of the Institute, César Sánchez, gave a tour through the history and status of the network, the personnel in charge of carrying out the actions, the new developments and the upcoming challenges it faces.

David Rincón, Technical Coordinator, and Alicia Cardeñosa, Programmer, both from REDIMadrid, took up the gauntlet and presented the REM-eDDOS attack mitigation tool, which improves the security of the network. They also showed to the attendees a simulation of how it works in case of an attack.

The UPM ETSIinf professor Vicente Martín delved into quantum communications in his talk and explained in detail its application in some projects such as Quantum Flagship, EuroQCI, OpenQKD or MADQCI.

In the next talk, the digital classroom model of URJC was presented. David Pérez explained the process of digital transformation of university classrooms so that students can attend classes in a hybrid way.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez, from RedIRIS, spoke about the DNS Firewall service they have implemented in the national network, which adds to the classic security methods the possibility of doing it through DNS.

The UAM was represented by Pablo Collado. His talk dealt with security, access control and traffic shaping through L3 VPNs on Linux and presented a security model with WireGuard adding eBPF to achieve high scalability.

IMDEA Software Institute’s researcher Srdjan Matic presented the paper “Measuring Web Cookies un Governmental Websites”, in which together with Matthias Götze (TU Berlin), Costas Iordanou (Cyprus University of Technology), Georgios Smaragdakis (TU Delft), and Nikolaos Laoutaris (IMDEA Networks), after analyzing more than 5,500 websites from G20 countries, they found that up to 90% of them include cookies from third party trackers. This happens even in countries with strict user privacy laws.

The #JornadaREDIMadrid continued with a presentation by Álvaro Alonso, from the ETSIT of the UPM, who showed the web tool LICODE, a free software videoconferencing system that can be successfully implemented in multiple scenarios.

After the presentations from the academic world, the last part of the day was dedicated to talks by equipment and services suppliers. Ignacio Domínguez, from Telefónica, spoke about network telemetry, showing the improvement of this monitoring method compared to traditional methods. The last presentation was given by Manuel Abellán and Carmen Benítez, from Microsoft Spain. They showed how IT infrastructure can be improved in the academic environment through Azure services.

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