February 13, 2023

More than 230 people attended "Innovating in Feminine: Women in Montegancedo"


The auditorium of the School of Computer Engineering (ETSIINF) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid hosted the event “Innovating in Feminine: Women in Montegancedo”, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. A meeting organized by IMDEA Software, CeDInt, E-USOC, CBGP, IDR and CTB, research centers of the UPM Montegancedo Campus.

The day began with a round table discussion moderated by ETSIINF professor Clara Benac, with the participation of Silvia Sebastián (IMDEA Software), Elena Ramírez Parra (CBGP), Noelia Blázquez García (Cedint) Master Student, Montserrat Bayón Laguna (IDR), Úrsula Andrea Martínez Álvarez (E-USOC) and Ana López Hernández (CTB).

This was followed by the workshop “Climate Change: Plants fight back” with the participation of Patricia Fernández Calvo from CBGP - Ramón y Cajal CSIC. This was continued by the workshop “Sensorizing realities” given by María José García Cabrera and Noelia Blázquez García from CEDINT.


After a short break, the workshop “Playing with Artificial Intelligence” took place, in which researchers Thaleia Dimitra Doudali, Georgia Christofidi and Margarita Capretto, from IMDEA Software, explained how Artificial Intelligence works, what it is used for, future applications and answered questions from the audience.


“UPMSat: From university to space” was the next workshop given by Elena Roibás Millán and Montserrat Bayón Laguna from IDR. This was followed by the CTB workshop: “Understanding the basic unit of life: Cell cultures”. And finally the E-USOC closed the event with the workshop: “Space science: experiments in microgravity”.