March 13, 2023

IMDEA Software sponsors and participates in the AdaByron programming contest in Madrid


IMDEA Software sponsored and collaborated in the organization and preparation of problems for the [AdaByron Madrid] contest (, which was held at the Computer Science School of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid on March 10 and 11, 2023.

The AdaByron Madrid regional competition is a university competition aimed at students from Madrid universities in which their programming skills and abilities are measured. One of the objectives of the competition is to encourage computer science students to participate in the International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC). The winners of the local competition will participate in the national competition, which will be held in Madrid in May, along with the top finishers from the rest of the Spanish regions.

This year, the Institute has actively participated in this event, being a great opportunity to show talented students what IMDEA Software is and what it does.

In addition to IMDEA Software, the Madrid regional AdaByron was sponsored by Accenture and INETUM.


Manuel Carro, Director of the Institute, Juan Céspedes, Network and Systems Engineer, and Margarita Capretto, PhD student, collaborated in preparing the problems to be solved and judging them. Carro also gave an inspirational talk during the seconf day about the Institute and encouraged the students to work for IMDEA Software.


The team “Los Caraduras”, formed by David Andrés López Gómez, Ignacio Castellano Vega and Flavius Abel Ciapsa, from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, was the winner of the IMDEA Software prize which consisted of a Soundcore Space Q45 wireless headset for each team member. The criteria for the award was that the winner would be the one who solved the most problems proposed by IMDEA Software. Since there was a tie, the tie was broken by choosing the team that solved the problems in the shortest time.


Scorboard final