EIT Digital

In June 2013, IMDEA Software officially became an Associate Partner of EIT Digital, as the first Spanish organization to enter its Pan-European network of seven full national nodes (in Helsinki, Stockholm, Berlin, London, Eindhoven, Paris, and Trento) and two associate nodes (Budapest and Madrid, located at IMDEA Software).

EIT Digital in Europe map

EIT Digital is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which includes some of the leading educational, research, and industrial actors in the ICT innovation ecosystem in Europe. Its mission is to combine the educational, research, and industrial tools and activities to drive and foster ICT innovation on the European scale in the following strategic areas: Smart Energy Systems, Future Networking Solutions, Future Cloud, Health and Wellbeing, Privacy, Security and Trust, Future Urban Life and Mobility, Smart Spaces, and Cyber-Physical Systems. These areas are complemented by an integrated and innovation-driven Master and Doctoral School and a Business Development Accelerator.

One of the key goals of IMDEA Software as the Spanish Associate Member is to promote, motivate, and organize the presence of EIT Digital in Spain, and to foster the evolution of the Spanish Associate Partner Group (APG) – which includes some of the most prominent players in the ICT innovation arena, such as Telefónica, Indra, Atos, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) – towards a fully operational EIT Digital node. Together with these strategic partners, the Institute is working on developing innovation-oriented projects within the framework of EIT Digital, increasing its presence in Spain through interaction with regional and national governments, and boosting and creating synergy between the entrepreneurship initiatives and mechanisms led by the members of the APG and beyond.

EIT Digital action lines

IMDEA Software has participated in the EIT Digital Business Plan for 2014 with the following activities:

EIT Digital people