
The IMDEA Software Institute manages the academic and research Internet backbone of the Madrid Region, REDIMadrid, funded by the Madrid Regional Government, which currently provides high-speed connections at up to 10 Gbps to the universities and research institutes located in the Madrid region (including IMDEA Software and the other IMDEA institutes).

The IMDEA Software Institute also hosts and operates the new EIT ICT Labs node of the Madrid and Spanish networks, located at the EIT ICT Labs Madrid Co-location Center and provided jointly by the Spanish High-speed Research Network Backbone, RedIRIS-NOVA, and REDIMadrid. This link is available as an experimentation infrastructure and can support speeds of up to 100Gb. This recent expansion of RedIRIS-NOVA and REDIMadrid has been funded jointly by the Spanish and Madrid Governments in direct support of the EIT ICT Labs associate partner group in Spain.