Francois Dupressoir

The information in this page may be outdated, as Francois Dupressoir is currently not a member of the Institute.

Francois Dupressoir
PhD - Open University, United Kingdom
Former Post-doctoral Researcher

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Short bio

François Dupressoir joined the IMDEA Software Institue as a postdoctoral researcher in February 2013. He successfully defended his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the Open University under the supervision of Andy Gordon, Jan Jürjens and Bashar Nuseibeh. His Ph.D. studies were partially funded by a Microsoft Research Ph.D. scholarship, and led him to intern at the European Microsoft Innovation Center, and at Microsoft Research in Redmond and Cambridge.

François is broadly interested in program verification, theorem proving and cryptography. He is currently working with Gilles Barthe on methods for formally reasoning about cryptographic security properties of real-world systems, especially focusing on obtaining strong correctness and security results on low-level implementations of schemes and protocols, and studying how such properties can be preserved through compilation.

Research Interests

Security, cryptography, formal methods, program verification.