Juan José Moreno

Juan José Moreno
PhD - Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain
Research Professor

Dual Appointment: Full Professor at Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain

Office: 388
Telephone: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4144

Short bio

Juan José Moreno-Navarro received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technical U. of Madrid (UPM), Spain in 1989. He developed a large part of his Ph.D. at RWTH Aachen (Germany). He has been Full Professor at the UPM Computer Science Department since 1996 and joined the IMDEA Software Institute upon its foundation. He served as Deputy Director up to 2008. He has published more than 100 papers in international conferences, books, and journal publications. He has also participated in several EU-funded and other national and international research projects, founding, leading, and ensuring continuous funding for the BABEL research group for more than 17 years. He has organized, served in program committees, and given invited talks and tutorials in many conferences in the IST field. He is a member of the editorial board of the Electronic Journal of Functional and Logic Programming. He also coordinated the first Erasmus Mundus Master taught in Spain. He has been the founding director of SpaRCIM, the Spanish research consortium in Informatics and Mathematics. He has been responsible for the ICT research program, in charge on International Relations for IST, FP6 IST Committee member, and Spanish National Contact Point for the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. He has also been the Spanish representative at the ICT COST Committee as well as COST-ICT liaison and observer from ERCIM at the European Science Foundation, vice-chair of the Spanish Society for Software Engineering, and vice-chair of the Spanish Technology Platform on Software and Services INES. Prof. Moreno-Navarro is currently on leave as Director General for University Policies at the Spanish Ministry of Education.

His research interests include all aspects related to declarative and rigorous software development technologies. This includes software development techniques, specially specification languages, automatic generation of code (programming from specifications), and software services description. His interests also include declarative languages (functional and logic programming) and, specially the integration of functional and logic programming, including the expressiveness of such these languages for real world applications. He has led the design and implementation of the language BABEL and now takes part in the activities of the international committee involved in the design of the new language Curry.

Research Interests

Component-based systems, specification and modeling languages in software engineering, and declarative programming.