Manuel Carro

Manuel Carro
PhD - Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain
Associate Research Professor

Dual Appointment: Associate Professor at Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain

Office: 035
Telephone: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4140

Short bio

Manuel Carro received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain, in 2002, where he is a tenured Associate Professor. He joined IMDEA as Deputy Director in April 2011.

He has been involved in several European, national, and regional projects in the CLIP lab. He has been the UPM representative in the steering committee of the NESSI ETP and is currently conference coordinator of the Association of Logic Programming.

Manuel’s research interests include implementation and design of declarative (especially logic and constraint) languages, parallelism, and concurrency, service oriented computing (especially regarding quality prediction and design-time analysis of service compositions for quality and correctness). Manuel is currently actively working on the role of data in the behavior of service-oriented systems and workflows, and the application of analysis and reasoning techniques from the field of programming languages and advanced operational semantics for logic languages (mixing, e.g., tabling / memoing and parallelism) and their implementation.

Other topics Manuel is interested in include visualization, formal methods, verification techniques, and analysis and transformation of workflows.

Research Interests

Programming Language Implementation, Abstract Machines, Parallelizing Compilers, Service-Oriented Computing, Composition / Management / Prediction of Quality of Software Services, Global Program Analysis / Optimization / Verification, Abstract Interpretation, Formal Methods, Resource-Aware Distributed Execution and Logical Agents, Constraint/Logic/Functional Programming Theory and Implementation, Execution Visualization.