Pierre-Yves Strub

The information in this page may be outdated, as Pierre-Yves Strub is currently not a member of the Institute.

Pierre-Yves Strub
PhD - École Polytechnique, France
Former Faculty Researcher

Short bio

Pierre-Yves Strub received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from École Polytechnique, France, in 2008. He joined the IMDEA Software Institute in 2013, after a post-doctoral position at the Microsoft-INRIA Joint Lab in Paris, France and at the LIAMA institute in Beijing, China.

Pierre-Yves research interests include formal proofs, proof assistants and their related type theory, certification of cryptographic algorithms and mathematical proofs, program verification via typing, secure web programming. He currently focused on EasyCrypt, a toolset for reasoning about relational properties of probabilistic computations with adversarial code. He is one of the main authors of EasyCrypt. He is also the main author of CoqMT, an extension of the Coq proof assistant.

Research Interests

Type theory, Proof assistants, Provable security