Ruy Ley-Wild

The information in this page may be outdated, as Ruy Ley-Wild is currently not a member of the Institute.

Ruy Ley-Wild
PhD - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Former Post-doctoral Researcher

Short bio

Ruy Ley-Wild joined the IMDEA Software Insitute as a postdoctoral researcher in December 2010. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of Guy Blelloch. During his Ph.D. studies, he was funded by a Bell Labs Graduate Research Fellowship and interned at Bell Labs, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, and Microsoft Research Cambridge.

Ruy is broadly interested in the design and implementation of programming languages that express computation at a suitable level of abstraction and logics that enable high-level reasoning about the correctness and complexity of such programs.

His previous work addresses the programmability of self-adjusting computation, a language-based approach to writing incremental programs that adjust dynamically to input changes by automatically updating the computation and output. The Delta ML language provides direct-style primitives that facilitate writing and reasoning about self-adjusting programs. This approach is realized in the Delta ML compiler by means of an adaptive continuation-passing style transformation that approximates the data and control dependencies using continuations. Further work extends self-adjusting computation in two directions: (1) traceable data types enable tracking dependencies at the level of high-level abstract data type operations instead of their low-level implementation, and (2) non-monotonic memoization allows reusing work out of order across runs.

He is currently working with Aleks Nanevski on a type-theoretic approach to semantics and logics for a higher-order, stateful, concurrent language.

Research Interests

Programming languages: concurrency, self-adjusting computation, separation logic, semantics, type theory.